My Story — Sara Cormany

My Story

Seventeen years ago, I was rolled into the OR for the very first time. 

I was passionate. I was accomplished. I was a girl who thought she had it all under control.

Little did I know that this would mark the beginning of a lifelong journey with chronic illness, where doctors and ER’s and test upon test would become commonplace and I would be asked to surrender all I knew for a lifetime of His grace.


It has not been an easy exchange.

But Jesus has been in every breath, every hiccup, every step, every mess, every miracle, every loss and every gain. 

Through having babies to losing babies. Through almost dying to really living. Through tears at a graveside to laughter in a trashed out mini-van.

He has written our story well and I know He has asked me to do the same.

Some days are hard. Some days are a hoot. Some days are an I-don’t-even-know-what.  

But the one thing that remains ever-constant is His grace. 

And although I may be called many things---daughter, mother, wife, teacher, speaker, writer, survivor, fighter, nose wiper, underwear washer or bad breath checker---above all things, I am His and He is mine and it is enough.

From now until forever, it will always be enough.