A Blessing for Those Who Know Love Isn't Always Easy

At the end of every month, we’ll come together to count the grace He has breathed into our lives through the lens of this month’s blessing. Join me tonight as I find the grace of knowing a love that isn’t always a fairy tale.

Love ain’t easy.

There are days where vows and wedding cake pale in the light of dog poo and kids throwing up and spending our non-existent retirement on goldfish and gas.

These past few weeks were no exception.

I suppose some might look at the outside, poo-covered pieces of our story and wonder how in the world this would fall into the same category as love. But then I pay a little more attention to 20 years and the cracks and crevices God’s grace has undoubtedly filled and marvel at the miracle of us.

On paper, we shouldn’t have made it.

Death. Chronic Illness. Job Loss. 4 Kids. 2 Dogs. A Pandemic. Medical Trauma. Medical Trauma. And did I mention medical trauma?

But the only answer, the only no holds barred, no hokey, life-is-magical gloss is Jesus.

He has stepped in, carried us through, bound up our wounds, so we can get up the next day and do it all over again. I know it may not be Hallmark movie magic or the stuff of fairy tales or even what we’d thought it would look like 20 years ago.

But in so many ways, it is every bit the miracle my heart wanted.

I have a love that has faithfully stood by my side in sickness and in health, for better or worse, in richer or poorer, ‘til death do us (almost) part again and again and again.

It is a love that is rich and rare and leaves me here at 20 years grateful for the gift of us. Not because of our own mad marriage skills, but because of a God who has stood in the gaps and covered us with His relentless grace.

So, our love?

While it may not be easy, it’s so worth the fight.

“I have loved you with an unfailing love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”

Jeremiah 31:3

Now it’s your turn: How has His relentless grace met you this month?