A Blessing for The Mamas

A Blessing for The Mama Who Has My Heart

As we find our way to Sunday, may we remember all of those worthy of honor. Whether they have a baby in their arms or carry one in their hearts, may we reach out and pour out the tender blessing they bring us each and every day.

Blessed are the mamas who wonder if they’re enough, who cry out in the middle of the night and whisper tearstained prayers outside closed bedroom doors.

For they show us the humility of not knowing it all and the courage it takes to keep showing up anyways.

Blessed are the mamas whose hearts are broken by the pain of letting go, who stand at the city gates in the hope that one day their babies might come home.

For they show us the strength of a love that waits with open arms.

Blessed are the mamas who sit beside hospital beds, who stand in the face of a baby’s pain and all its withering.

For they show us what it takes for a mama to stand at the foot of a Cross.

Blessed are the mamas who carry babies they will never hold in their arms, who show us the strength of a memory and love colored in pink lines and sonogram pictures.

For they show us the depth and the height of a love unfailing.

Blessed are the long-to-be-mamas, who ache in the quiet, who ache in the chaos. who ache for a love already known.

For they show us the tattered, rough edges of Jesus-breathed hope.

Blessed are the ones who have loved and lost mamas, who long for life unmarred by pain, who know no matter how full a day may be, it all feels a little emptier somehow.

For they show us what love well-given leaves in its absence.

Yes, blessed are the ones who hold the world together, who carry dreams both little and big, who keep showing up one breath at a time.

For they show us all why we celebrate each one as everyday champions of love.

She is clothed with strength and dignity.

Proverbs 31:25